Margie Burns

Margie Burns

Over the years, she has been an invited guest speaker at ‘Asia Pacific Airline Training Symposium’, ‘Pilot Career Live’ events & ‘Flight Crew Futures’ events speaking on the subject of pilot selection and/or pilot wellbeing.   She is author of ‘Everything you need to know about becoming an airline pilot’ providing advice for cadets embarking on a career as a pilot. Margie initially began her aviation career with Aer Lingus, working in Human Resources before being offered a promotional opportunity with Parc Aviation which was then a subsidiary of Aer Lingus.


Margie holds a First Class Honours Master’s Degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy and is fully accredited with the National Association for Professional Counselling & Psychotherapy (NAPCP). She volunteered with a Suicide Prevention Charity for 4 years and has run a successful psychotherapy practice called Flourishing. She is an accredited Health Coach (UKIHCA) and an accredited Master Hypnotherapist (NGH). 


She is an ICAO Approved Course Developer and Trainer and has developed wellbeing & training programmes for air operators and also for the Mental Health Commission in Ireland and a module on wellbeing for Griffith College which forms part of a Level 9 Degree Programme. She has also developed and delivered modules for a Degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy with the Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences.  She is passionate about research and in 2020 worked on a research project for Psychological Counsellors in Higher Education in Ireland (PCHEI). She also conducted research on stress and work/life balance amongst pilots in the early stages of Covid. 


  • She holds professional membership of National Association for Professional Counselling and Psychotherapy, European Association for Aviation Psychology, National Guild of Hypnotists, British Psychological Society, Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.
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